(Eyelash extensions)
Do not drink caffeine before app
Do not wear makeup to app
Arrive with clean lashes
Ask when booking
(Facial waxing)
Stop using retinol/ acids 7 days before
(ombré brows)
Have a patch test Atleast 48 hours before
Stop using any actives in the area 4 weeks prior to treatment E.g retinols, AHA and BHA’s.
Advanced skin treatments should be done no later than 4 weeks beforehand. E.g chemical peels, microneedling.
NO Alcohol, caffeine, aspirin and ibuprofen for 24-48 hours before appointment. This massively effects your treatment and your healed results.
(Eyelash extensions)
Do not get wet/ sweat for 48 hrs
Avoid sunbeds, sauna’s and steams for 48hrs
Wash 1-2 times a week with lash cleanser only
Brush daily
Get regular infills every 2-3 weeks
Wear SPF 30-50 everyday for 2 weeks (should be wearing it everyday anyway)
No makeup for 48hrs
Avoid excessive heat for 48hrs (sauna’s, steams, heavy workouts, hot baths)
No retinol/acids/ exfoliants for 1 week
No picking the skin/ dry skin, try not to touch it too much
No sunbeds or direct sun exposure for 2 weeks
Avoid facial waxing for 7 days
Avoid swimming/ chlorine for 7 days
Keep skin hydrated
Ensure you have a good skincare routine to maintain results.
(your aftercare will vary depending on what facial you’ve had so please ask if you are unsure)
(Ombré brows DO NOTS for 2 weeks)
Soaps, facial cleansers on brows
Soak your brows with water
Chlorine pools
Retinols in area
Makeup on area
Hot, steamy, long showers
Sun/ sunbeds
Jacuzzi or saunas
Keep your fringe away from brows for the first 2 days this can cause infection
(Ombre brows DO’s)
Today after treatment clean the area every hour with a dry tissue by gently dabbing the brow. After the last clean apple a very thin layer of the cream provided. For the next 4 days apply a thin layer of the aftercare cream 2-3 times a day. Stop using the cream 5 days after treatment.
(Filler and Botox)
No alcohol or makeup for 24hrs
No smoking for 24hrs (lips)
No exercise, sauna’s or steam for 48hrs
No facials or sunbeds for 2 weeks
No kissing , touching or abrasive skincare for the rest of the day
Do NOT massage unless told to